The 英语及语言学系 provides a variety of learning opportunities for its students. Our students engage not only in classroom lectures and discussions, 而是参与阅读, 写作, 研究活动, 实地考察旅行, 教学经历. They participate in publications practicums and internships as 编辑器 of the student publication 原件, and work with the 俄克拉荷马州文学艺术节, the 剪刀尾创意写作节, 和ECU屏幕.


The Department offers majors in 英语 and 英语 Teacher Certification along with minors in 英语, 英语作为第二语言(ESL), 人文学科, 和西班牙语.

语言课程 - In addition to Spanish, the Department offers basic courses in French, German, Latin, and Russian.  All foreign language studies provide awareness of the culture of the language and insight into the unique world view of different languages.

英语 & 语言系目标

In a culture that relies on a literate citizenry, the need for training in skilled language comprehension and usage continues to increase. 优秀的英语 & Languages Department 教师 at 华东大学 are committed to fostering such a citizenry, as well as achieving the department's program goal of preparing students for employment as teachers, 作家, 编辑器, or for liberal-arts positions in business and industry. 学习英语的学生, 人文学科, and languages enhance their reading and 写作 skills important in a variety of careers. They absorb the cultural understanding necessary for success in a diverse society, and develop the critical thinking skills which will lead to professional and advanced academic success.

英语 and Languages Departmental Opportunities

ECU的屏幕 was founded by 教师 members and students representing the Departments of 英语 and Languages, 美术学院, 和林沙伊德图书馆. Its mission is to bring memorable cinematic experiences to ECU, Ada, and the surrounding communities. 看到 ECU的屏幕 了解更多信息 on current screenings and events.

俄克拉何马文学艺术节, 每年十一月举行, is an exciting departmental event designed to stir the love of literary arts by hosting authors such as Pulitzer Prize winner N. Scott Momaday and Slam Poet Taylor Mali. Through various workshops and activities taught by ECU 教师 and upper-level 英语 and Language students, local students and teachers explore the many facets of literary arts. For more information, contact department 教师 Dr. Jennifer Dorsey at 580-559-5439, or see the link 俄克拉荷马州文学艺术节.

ECU’s literary magazine is housed and published annually by our department. Submissions are accepted in the form of plays, poems, short stories, or essays. 联系系教员博士. Mark Walling 了解更多信息 at 580-559-5440.

The 剪刀尾创意写作节, 为期三天的活动, 庆祝发表, established and emerging authors reading from their creative works. It annually attracts over 50 local and international authors. 联系系教员博士. Ken Hada 了解更多信息 at 580-559-5557.

世界是你的! ECU offers study abroad opportunities through its sister institutions in Ukraine and Russia. ECU also offers study abroad programs in Spain and France. Students spend a semester traveling, learning and earning college credit. Limited scholarships are available and financial aid may apply. 我们自己的博士. 马拉Sukholutskaya sponsors this amazing opportunity! 请致电580-559-5293与她联系. 请参阅链接 出国留学 or 全球教育 了解更多信息.

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英语 & 语言系学生制作 video.

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Recently, four of our graduating seniors made the top five candidates for the George Nigh Award.  Congrats to Noelle Hurt-Bryan and Emily Davis for receiving this honor in back-to-back years: 2014 and 2015.

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华东大学's mission is to foster a learning environment in which students, 教师, 工作人员, and community interact to educate students for life in a rapidly changing and culturally diverse society. 在其服务范围内, 华东大学 provides leadership for economic development and cultural enhancement.

欧盟驻俄罗斯使团 Миссией Центрального восточного университета является созддание такой обстановки для обучения, при которой преподаватели, студенты, а также жители города будут иметь возможность сообща готовить студентов к жизни в стремительно изменяющемся и мультикультурном мире. В своём регионе Цетральный восточный университет признаётся неоспоримым лидером в области экономического развития и в культурного обогащения.   博士译. 马拉Sukholutskaya

欧共体西班牙语使团 La misión de la Universidad Central de East Central es albergar un ambiente de aprendizaje en el que los estudiantes, 洛教授, los empleados y los otros miembros de la comunidad interactúen para así educar a los alumnos para una vida en una sociedad que cambia con rapidez y que es culturalmente diversa. eneste contexto de servicio, la Universidad Central de East Central provee liderazgo para el desarrollo económico y el enriquecimiento cultural.  博士译. 尤兰达Forero-Villegas



