1948年艾达高级奖学金 (艾达高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to an Ada High School senior who ranks closest to “48th” in the graduating class and who plans to attend ECU. 这项奖学金是由艾达高中1948年毕业班的校友设立的. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

1950年艾达高级奖学金 (艾达高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to an Ada High School senior who ranks closest to “50th” in the graduating class and who plans to attend ECU. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by Ada High School alumni from the 1950 graduating class. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

1951年获得高级奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中毕业生. 这项奖学金是由艾达高中1951年毕业班的校友设立的. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

1970年艾达高中的奖学金 (艾达高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a student from Ada High School who plans to attend ECU. 这项奖学金是由1970年毕业的艾达高中校友设立的. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. 

艾达1975年的高材生,把爱传递下去 奖学金 (艾达高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to an Ada High School senior who will be attending 华东大学. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. 

科尔顿·卡拉威纪念奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中学生. 收件人必须是3.高中毕业时平均绩点在3分或以上. 优先考虑以下因素:1)经济需求, 2)参加美洲狮网球项目, 3)计划主修计算机程序设计. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by 朋友 and family of Colton Calaway a 2009 graduate of Ada High and a former ECU student. 科尔顿在课堂上和体育运动中都表现出色, 大三时获得州网球亚军. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to an incoming freshman from one of the smaller school systems in Oklahoma (the size of Roff, 石墙, 或Vanoss, 例如). 这个奖学金是由斯洛弗·凯普设立的, 他是ECU的校友,由叔叔和婶婶抚养长大, 弗兰克和约翰尼·德鲁. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded at the discretion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

女孩去了葡萄酒奖学金 (Broken Bow和/或Waurika高中)
该奖学金将颁发给Broken Bow和/或Waurika高中的毕业生.  接受者必须保持最少2个.平均成绩5分,有社区和/或公民参与和服务的历史.  Preference will be given to students that have overcome personal/family hardships to continuing their education.  财政需求将是一个突出的标准. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded at the discretion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee.  2008年,他们的朋友兼酒女兼布罗肯堡学校老师, 肖恩钦斯, 和乳腺癌朋友钱德拉·里奇做斗争, 米歇尔·芬奇(1986年ECU校友)和朗达·里德, 开发葡萄酒, 生活中的朋友.  A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this wine was used to fund 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ships for Hutchings children.  After Shawn lost her battle with breast cancer the girls decided to keep producing the wine to honor her passion for education by donating proceeds each year for 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ships for students that have had to overcome personal hardships to continue their education. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

杰瑞米·哈雷尔纪念奖学金 (保罗谷高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a Pauls Valley High School senior who plans to attend ECU. 家庭 and 朋友 of Jeremy established this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship after his death in a tragic automobile accident. 获奖者将由杰里米的家人选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

尤金·亨斯利奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中学生, 具有良好的阅读/英语能力. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

J. 查默斯和夏洛特·赫尔曼奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中毕业生 and is based on need. Dr. Herman was head of Foreign Language department for more than 25 years and this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established in his honor after his retirement. 夫人. 赫尔曼曾在欧洲经济大学兼职教授德语和法语数年. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

蒙大拿霍特马纪念奖学金 (米尔克里克高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a Mill Creek High School senior who plans to attend ECU immediately following graduation.  获奖者的毕业平均成绩必须达到2分.8岁或以上. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was funded by Tony Pacillo with the hope that everyone can remember Montana for the good things he did, 做我们喜欢的事开心吗, 并激励那些有需要的人考虑接受大学教育.  蒙大拿Hotema, 天生的领导者, 运动员, 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台, 和士兵, 给他周围的人留下了深远的影响.  尽管他取得了成就,但他始终保持谦虚,总是鼓励别人取得成功.  人们记得他的幽默感和好客的天性, 蒙大拿相信每个人的潜力.

科迪纳撒尼尔约翰逊纪念奖学金 (Pontotoc县)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a Pontotoc County student who will be attending ECU and has an interest in athletics. 科迪于2012年死于一场悲惨的摩托车事故, 还有他的家人, 朋友, “FIVE80”车手为纪念他而设立了这项奖学金. The application for this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship is distributed by Cody's family and the FIVE80 Riders. 

此奖学金提供给第一次就读ECU的全日制学生, incoming Freshman with preference given to students that graduate from a Pontotoc County high school in Oklahoma. 收件人必须以3分的成绩高中毕业.平均绩点在0分或以上,并且必须保持3分.平均绩点在0分或以上才能获得春季部分奖学金. The recipient needs to show leadership abilities through school, civic and/or community involvement. 这项奖学金可以用来提供书籍方面的帮助, 学费, 食宿, 以及课堂外的体验. 获奖者将由ECU基金奖学金委员会选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

拉多尼拉蒂默奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中学生 with preference to a student from a single-parent home. 收件人必须至少有3个.平均绩点0分,ACT成绩21分. 夫人. Latimer worked at ECU for several years and this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established in her memory by 朋友 and family. 她的妹妹贝弗利·鲍文(Beverley Bowen)一直在为这项奖学金捐款. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. 

穆雷县领导第十二班 奖学金 (戴维斯/索弗/OSD高中)
这项奖学金将颁发给戴维斯高中的新生, 硫磺高中, 或者俄克拉何马聋人学校, 在默里县. 受助人的高中平均成绩必须达到3分.5岁或以上, and attend ECU as a full-time student the fall semester immediately following their high school graduation. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded at the discretion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

卡罗尔·麦克斯韦奖学金 (河川高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to students that graduated from Konawa High School in Oklahoma.  Preference will be given to those with a declared major with the Department of Professional Programs in 人类服务. 卡罗尔·麦克斯韦1975年毕业于东中央大学.  她在ECU的职业生涯长达60年.  这项奖学金是她的家人和朋友为了纪念她而设立的. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

查理·梅尔顿纪念奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给即将在ECU就读的Ada高中学生. 接受者的ACT成绩必须达到23分或更高,平均绩点必须达到3分.0或更高. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

卡梅利塔·保罗奖学金 (Elmore City-Pernell高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a student from Elmore City-Pernell High School who will be attending ECU. 数学专业,成绩至少达到3分者优先.高中最后两年的平均绩点是0. 这个奖学金是哈维·迪恩为了纪念他最喜欢的数学老师而设立的. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

Puterbaugh McAlester奖学金 (麦卡莱斯特高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a student from McAlester High School who is or will be attending ECU. 收件人必须保持至少3个.0的绩点.  受助人必须拥有社会工作本科专业, 一般的研究, 人类服务咨询, 护理, 教育或公共服务专业毕业. 这项奖学金是由麦卡莱斯特的普特博基金会设立的. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

安吉·雷纪念奖学金 (艾达高中)
该奖学金将颁发给计划进入ECU学习的Ada高中学生. Angie taught in the Ada School system for several years and this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by her family and 朋友 in her memory. 获奖者将由艾达高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.   

This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded preferably to Pontotoc County students who plan to attend ECU, 但可以授予彭托托克县以外的学生. 学生必须至少有3分.平均绩点0分,ACT成绩22分. The Smiths' son Kenneth established this 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship in his parents’ memory for financial and academically deserving students from Pontotoc County. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded at the discretion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee.  Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

尼基·斯通塞弗纪念奖学金 (Tupelo, Coalgate,或Wapanucka高中)
这项奖学金将颁发给来自图珀洛的新生, Coalgate, 或者瓦帕努卡高中. 奖学金期限为8个学期. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by Harland and Shirley Stonecipher after the tragic deaths of their son, 儿媳, 和孙女尼基在飞机事故中丧生. . Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

石墙长角牛奖学金 (石墙高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a freshman student from 石墙 High School who will be attending ECU the fall semester immediately following their graduation. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by former 石墙 Longhorns that became ECU Tigers and want to help instill the value of higher education. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

杰斯蒂格奖学金 (炳高中)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to a student from Byng High School who will be attending ECU. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship was established by 朋友 and colleagues of long-time Byng basketball coach Bertha Frank Teague after the death of her husband, 杰斯. 获奖者将由byg高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

伯莎·托马斯家庭奖学金 (昆顿、波托、维沃卡)
This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded to students from the Quinton, Poteau, or Wewoka geographic areas. 申请人的平均绩点必须达到并保持在3分以上.零时或以上学历,东中部大学全日制在读学生. This 网赌十大靠谱信誉平台ship will be awarded at the discretion of the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

贾斯汀和玛格丽特·沃格特奖学金 (炳高中)
该奖学金颁发给即将进入ECU学习的炳高中学生. 这项奖学金是沃格特家族为了纪念伯莎·弗兰克·蒂格而设立的, 韦恩里沃德, 和马文·斯托克斯. 获奖者将由byg高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.  

乔·韦伯/杰里·雷珀体育奖学金 (戴维斯高中)
该奖学金将颁发给即将进入加州大学的戴维斯高中学生. 韦伯教练和雷珀教练被杰伊·霍恩授予了这项奖学金, 他儿子是韦伯教练的橄榄球队员.  获奖者将由戴维斯高中的管理人员选出. Students must complete the General ECU Foundation Scholarship Application to be eligible for this award.