
The faculty, staff, and students are so glad you are here! Our website is designed to assist you and provide you the basic information needed to navigate successfully in your pursuit of obtaining a degree in education, 无论是在本科阶段, 研究生阶段, or in a post-graduate certification program.

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Many education programs that ECU's College of Education offers are state and nationally accredited. While the individual program accreditations vary from program to program, the department is accredited nationally by the Council for the 认证 of 教育家 Preparation (制定). 


The ECU Education department traces its origin back to the founding of the University and exists to serve individuals seeking degrees and certifications in public education. In doing so, the department serves ECU students in three essential functions:

  • Prepare undergraduate students in three areas of specialization, 包括基础教育, 和幼儿教育, leading to teacher licensure and certification in Oklahoma.
  • Provide undergraduate students the professional education instruction needed to prepare all Secondary Education majors and minors for licensure and certification in Oklahoma.
  • Offer graduate students many master’s level courses of study and options in a variety of occupations in education and related positions in business, 行业, 或医院, including Educational Leadership (School Principal and Superintendent, 学位及/或证书), 初等数学, 小学读书, Secondary Education (学术 Area Option), 体育总局, 图书馆媒体, 教育技术, 学校辅导员, and Special Education (see Section on 研究生院 - M.Ed. Education and Post-Master's Certificates). We are proud of our department and believe that we prepare some of the best teachers and administrators in the state. Our students learn about the process of teaching through a combination of college classroom experiences provided by excellent university faculty and practical field experiences in public schools working with master teachers. 同时也是ECU家族的一员, our students have an opportunity to learn and to grow in a rigorous and supportive environment which includes a dedicated faculty and staff, 设备齐全的教室, 学生与教师的比例非常低. The quality of our faculty and program combined with an outstanding student experience contribute to make ECU a great choice for pursuing your degree. 我们再次欢迎你!

We encourage you to contact any of our faculty to learn more about our programs or come and visit our beautiful campus and spend time with our faculty, 教职员及学生. If we can be of additional assistance, 请告知……及, 还记得, 《网赌十大靠谱信誉平台》, 永远是老虎.” 


Pauline和Leon lanoy
玛丽·波琳·拉诺伊, 的Coalgate, has a passion for higher education and a love of the teaching profession. It’s only fitting that the Lanoy name now adorns the Education Building on the ECU campus. 波琳和里昂, 都是ECU的校友, dedicated more than 40 years of their lives to the education of young people in Oklahoma and Wyoming.

Lanoy_award_website.jpgPauline attended Horace Mann Training School while at ECU and spent most of her career as kindergarten through eighth grade 教室的老师 in Wyoming. In later years, she taught home economics and library skills classes. In 2000, she was awarded the Wyoming Alpha Xi State Achievement Award. Leon was a World War II veteran, 8th United States Army Airforce, 389th Bomb Group. He majored in mathematics and spent 37 years as an educator in Wyoming, 作为公共汽车司机的, 教室的老师, 志愿者教练, 主要, 和负责人. He passed away July 2, 2015, at the age of 93. Both Leon and Pauline were inducted into the Keefer 教育家s’ Hall of Fame in 2009 and were recognized as ECU’s Distinguished Philanthropists in 2008.

The Lanoys have been generous with donations to the university and the ECU Foundation, Inc. The Leon and Pauline Lanoy Centennial Graduate Education Endowment is awarded to an ECU student each year. 他们的信念是, 一旦一个人的态度是正确的, mapping out the step-by-step process to attain a goal can lead to success and can be attained no matter what the obstacles."

The Lanoy Education Building was remodeled and opened at the start of the 2015 fall semester. 创新教学中心, 安装最新技术, as well as tablets and robotics equipment for professional development for area teachers, education faculty and education students were added to the updated, 最先进的设施. Other amenities include 13 classrooms with new technology, with short-throw projectors (which makes every whiteboard a smartboard), 新的扬声器, 还有新的领奖台. The building also features new seating in the computer lab, 还有新的教师办公桌, 以及办公家具. 另外, three classrooms had additional monitors installed on the walls for better visibility of projected images and all classrooms have WiFi capabilities for use of mobile devices in the classroom.




现场协调员 & 认证协调员