哈利·布朗·福特美术中心, 2009年开业, 提供教室空间, 两个剧院, 艺术画廊, 户外雕塑花园, 电视演播室, 摄影工作室, 和更多的. At 85,000 square feet, it is the size of a city block. It was constructed with just over 10,000 concrete blocks. The HBFFAC was made possible by 39 donors, with donations ranging from $2,500 up to $6.800万年. 其令人难以置信的空间包括:

  • 25间教室和3间电脑室
  • 的博士. 阿瑟·W. Kennedy (Class of '41) Band Room which includes percussion rehearsal space, 仪器存储, a band library and eight private practice rooms
  • 威廉C. Thrash Television Studio, which is the first true HD电视演播室 in southeastern Oklahoma 
  • 波格画廊, which exhibits the work of nationally renowned and local artists as well as student shows
  • a permanent collection of art including works from Salvador Dali, Ludolf Liberts, 弗朗西斯科戈雅, 利昂·波尔克·史密斯, 还有一幅被认为是马蒂斯的作品
  • the Sculpture Garden, which displays the Ruth Walker Landrum Sculpture Collection
  • 查尔默斯·赫尔曼剧院, an intimate venue seating up to 200 patrons and featuring a balcony performance/seating area
  • 阿塔洛亚剧院, 可容纳1人的大场地,086 patrons with floor and balcony seating available
  • 大卫·A. 阿尔玛·R. Lockmiller Grand Lobby, which is 42 feet tall and frequently used for banquets and receptions
  • the Choral Hall, featuring Wenger choir risers and a unique acoustic ceiling
  • the Edna Mae Query Cooley Costume Shop where costumes for ECU theatre productions are created and altered
  • the Peshehonoff Scene Shop, with specific areas for construction and painting 
  • a Recording Studio that enables students to record live events
  • a comprehensive Art Museum with 250 works on view

哈莉·布朗·福特 (1905年3月17日至2007年6月4日)
哈莉·布朗·福特 was 华东大学's greatest benefactor. Ford has given approximately $7 million to ECU. She donated funds to establish and enhance ECU's Franciso-Hatchett Scholarships and to furnish and equip the new Linsheid 图书馆. HallieBFord-web.jpg她5美元.25 million gift to the ECU Foundation Inc., the largest private gift to benefit the university, was the start of the 哈莉布朗福特美术中心. 另外650美元,000 gift was earmarked for audio equipment for the center and for scholarship funds. ECU named her a Distinguished Alumna in 1992, 2007年, honored her with the Distinguished Philanthropist Award for her many gifts to the university. The award in future years will be named the Hallie Brown ford Award for Philanthropy.

Ford was born in Red Ford, Indian Territory, on March 17, 1905. She was valedictorian of her graduating class at Beggs High School and put herself through ECU, graduating in 1930 with a teaching certificate. She taught briefly in Oklahoma, then followed her parents to Oregon and taught in the Lebanon area. 她嫁给了肯尼斯·W. Ford in 1935 and moved to Roseburg, Oregon. She played an active role with him in establishing and growing Roseburg Lumber Co., now known as Roseburg Forest Products Co. She became an active leader in business and community affairs and a generous supporter of education and the arts. 她是创始人之一, in 1957, 福特家族基金会主席, which has helped numerous arts organizations, 大学, 奖学金获得者, 主要在俄勒冈州. Among her awards were the Governor's 艺术 Award for 艺术 Patronage, the Support of 艺术 Scholarship Programs in 1996, and the Roseburg First Citizens Award from the Roseburg Area Chamber of Commerce in 1967.

Ford lived frugally, her family said, and reserved most of her wealth to benefit others. The Foundation's website quotes her belief that "It's not what you have, 但你给你家人的, 你的社区, 你的国家呢?."

Touring the 哈莉布朗福特美术中心
We are always happy to offer tours of the 哈莉布朗福特美术中心, the preeminent academic arts facility of its kind in Oklahoma and the surrounding region. 请提前菲律宾十大彩票平台安排参观. This is a working building and often there are shows moving in and out, 排练, 以及每天的课程. 正常的游览时间是从早上8点开始.m. 至下午5时.m. Monday through Friday, but on occasion exceptions can be made for large groups. Please call us at 580-559-5851 and we will arrange a tour for you!

Renting the 哈莉布朗福特美术中心
Below are links to all of the information you will need in order to book 阿塔洛亚剧院, 查尔默斯赫尔曼剧院, 大卫. 阿尔玛·R. Lockmiller Grand Lobby, Art Gallery, Sculpture Garden, Centennial Plaza, Gazebo, and 多萝西我. 夏季剧院. 如果你有其他问题, please contact the Facility Coordinator Lauren Hathcoat at 580-559-5781.

  • HBFFAC政策和程序 - Please read over the Facility Policies and Procedures before signing your request form. You are agreeing that you have read and will abide by them.
  • HBFFAC租金 - Our rates are based off of the length of time the space is being used, 如何使用, and time of day and week it is being used, as well as if your group has non-profit status.
  • 罢工的清单 - This form will allow you to see what we check for in order to return your security deposit. 
  • HBFFAC设施请求 请把这张表填好. 我们有一个 为一段段的指南 on how to fill it out if you have any questions. 
  • 多萝西我. 夏季剧院政策和程序 - Please read over the Facility Policies and Procedures before signing your request form. You are agreeing that you have read and will abide by them.
  • 开创/员工信息 - This is a brief guide to give you an idea of the minimum number of ushers and technicians that you will need for an event.