POLICY: East Central University is an equal opportunity employer. 该大学根据个人的资格和能力来招聘,而不考虑种族, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, disability, or veteran status. Each individual, while employed at ECU, 有望为东中部大学的整体战略成功做出重大贡献.

This policy has been established to assure complete communications, necessary records, and the employment of competent personnel, to provide proper controls in staffing complements, and to ensure compliance with applicable laws. 就业职能由就业服务办公室集中协调

PROCEDURE: The hiring procedures for ECU are outlined as follows:

1. Authorization

当部门主管/主席开设一个新职位或空缺职位时 Employment Request Form 是否应通过适当的行政审批渠道完成. A current job description must be attached to the form. The Employment Request Form 也有一个部分完成,如果外部广告是必要的.  Upon receipt of authorization, 就业服务办公室将按照以下程序开始筛选申请人. When chosen, 有关甄别委员会主席及委员将会通知就业处.

2. Position Announcements

ECU的员工首先会通过就业服务办公室发送的校园范围内的电子邮件通知所有常规豁免和非豁免职位空缺. 职位空缺将在网站上公布,直到职位被填补或管理层自行决定. 兼职和/或临时职位空缺只会根据部门主任/主席/院长的要求在网站上公布. 职位根据需要和预算的考虑在外部发布广告. 就业服务办公室负责协调和放置所有外部广告.

3. Application Process

有兴趣的人士将按照空缺公告中列出的申请程序进行申请. 每位申请人有责任在截止日期前将所需材料送交就业服务办公室(如已确定)。. 就业服务办公室将处理每份申请,并通知申请人填写申请文件所需的任何缺失文件. 每个申请人的档案将由就业服务处保存. 填妥的申请表将送交评审委员会主席, or a requested designated member.

4. Responsibility of the Screening Committee

所有申请职位空缺的申请人,将根据其资格和成功完成工作的能力予以考虑. 根据ECU的平权行动指导方针,筛选委员会将收到委员会包. 就业服务办公室可根据要求提供更多信息,以协助委员会.


  • 审查所有申请并选择具备所需知识的申请人, skills, and abilities identified in the vacancy announcement.
  • After this initial screening, the committee will identify an average of 2-5 applicants, depending on the size of the qualified applicant pool, for scheduled interviews.
  • 委员会资料包包括面试能力的指导方针. Utilizing these guidelines, 委员会将为每位申请人决定面试问题的内容和面试类型. 委员会成员应仔细审查委员会资料包中的“适当/不适当问题”清单. 一个结构化的面试过程是必要的,以确保每个申请人的面试没有歧视待遇或偏见.
  • During each interview, 委员会成员可以在申请人的简历/申请表以外的纸张上做笔记.
  • After the interview process, 委员会将决定那些经过最认真考虑的申请人进行筛选. 委员会成员将检查并记录专业推荐信.

5. Applicant Screening

The committee will review all interview notes, all reference checks, 并选择候选人推荐给合适的行政官员. At this time, 候选人的姓名和电子邮件地址应转发给就业服务,以便进行背景调查.  委员会主席将通知候选人选择筛选的电子邮件即将到来.  任何报价都取决于成功的背景调查和管理部门的批准.  副总裁或其指定人员将与被选中的候选人联系,以提供就业机会, and schedule a start date.  Once the offer has been accepted by the selected candidate, an Employment Action Form 将由招聘部门主管/主席完成并转交给他/她的副总裁.

筛选过程完成后,筛选委员会主席应完成 Applicant Selection Form - all applicants for the position will be included on the form. Each applicant interviewed, but not selected, 应该亲自打电话通知他/她委员会的决定吗. 就业服务部将向所有未面试的申请人发送通知信.

6. Orientation

On the scheduled start date, 该员工将收到一份“新员工包”,其中包含所有所需的文件和信息. 就业服务办公室的一名工作人员将与员工一起检查包中的内容,然后将员工带到大学中心领取他/她的身份证和停车许可证. All required paperwork (payroll data, enrollments, etc.)将在首次聘用日期后的一(1)周内填写并交回人力资源办公室.

7. Direct Appointment and Interim Appointments

See Employee Handbook, page 18.

8. Recruitment and Screening At-A-Glance

  1. Department director/chair completes the Employment Request Form and submits for approval.
  2. Employment Services office will place email notice, web site notice and external advertisements, if requested (include purchase order or procard # for ads).
  3. Screening Committee is chosen.
  4. Employment Services office receives and processes all applications.
  5. Screening Committee reviews all applicants.
  6. Committee will call and document reference checks. Committee recommends candidate for approval. 经副主席批准和候选人接受后,委员会主席将发送 Applicant Selection Form to Employment Services office.
  7. Interviewees not hired are called by Committee Chairperson.
  8. Hiring department director/chair completes the Employment Action Form (appointment form) and submits for approval.

revised 09/2020