
华东大学’s Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences offers degrees in 生物学 and 环境健康科学s. This diverse department trains students to become biologists, 医学专家, 公共卫生工作者, 环境安全官员. 在这里搜索BES奖学金机会.


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A bachelor of science is designed for students who plan to become practicing biologists in 行业 or 政府, 或者计划攻读生物学的研究生学位. This degree program is usually chosen by those students who need pre-professional training before entering the schools of Medicine, 牙科, 兽医, or other health-related professional schools or graduate school. the life sciences provide many areas from which students can choose careers. To meet these needs, the 生物学 program offers a variety of courses and several concentrations. 

A bachelor of science for teacher certification gives a prospective science teacher an appropriate academic background in 生物学 and Physical Sciences and in the methods of teaching.

A Bachelor of Science for 临床检验科学 prepares students to conduct and supervise complex medical tests, 临床试验, 研究实验. Students also learn to manage clinical laboratories. 的 management of these labs would include 咨询 with physicians or 研究ers on diagnoses, 疾病的因果关系, 疾病的传播, 研究成果. This degree concentration requires three years of prescribed study on campus followed by a year of clinical training in an approved hospital school of clinical laboratory science.

Course work in this program includes a variety of courses that align with the Ecological Society of America 4DE framework. 课程包括动物学, 有机化学, 生物统计学, 比较脊椎动物解剖学, 动物寄生虫学, 场的方法, 爬虫学, 植物生理学, 野生动物管理, 人类生理, 生态学与本科生研究. 的 life sciences provide many areas from which students can choose careers; to meet these needs, the 生物学 program offers a variety of courses and several concentrations. Graduating with a concentration in 生态 prepares you for a diversity of careers, 包括研究, 写作, 政策, 非政府组织, 咨询, 政府, 和更多的. 

华东大学 offers courses that are required for admission to professional schools of Medicine, 牙科, 验光, 脊椎按摩疗法医学, 医师协会, 或兽医. Although the pre-professional science student may select any degree major, 最成功的候选人主修生物学. Course work must be arranged so as to complete the required work in time for admission exams and application in your program (usually spring of junior year). 更多的 

A Bachelor of Science in 药用植物学 empowers students to apply for course work in Botany, 动物学, 遗传学, 生理学, 微生物学, 药用植物学, 昆虫学, 植物生态生理学. It provides flexibility through electives so that many path options are available, all with the goal in mind of students understanding the complex relationship between plants and humans. 最终, this deep understanding will enable students to enter graduate school or employment so that they may transform their futures in biotech, 农业综合企业, 药理学, 医学, 顺势疗法, 园艺, 法律, 印第安人事务, 研究, 以及其他人走向成功的未来.

的 Bachelor of Science in 分子生物学 prepares students for graduate 研究 and/or employment in the rapidly growing fields of biotechnology, 农业综合企业, 行业, 执法, 分子生物学.




的 环境健康科学 degree prepares majors for employment in private industries, 环保组织, 公共卫生部门, 环境咨询公司, and 政府al agencies including the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, 美国.S. 环境保护署和美国环保署.S. 公共卫生服务. 了解更多关于 环境健康专题.

  • 的 环境健康科学 (EHS) concentration is designed to prepare students for professional positions protecting human health from environmental hazards and protecting the natural environment.
  •  Environmental Management and Natural Resources concentration prepares students to work with 政府s and environmental industries to assess the environmental impact for optimum management strategies.
  • 的 公共卫生专业 prepares students to work for 政府 health departments as well as community public health initiatives, 包括卫生, 饮食, 以及疾病传播风险.

All three 环境健康科学 degree concentrations require related courses from other academic departments such as 生物学, 化学, 数学与计算机科学, 和物理. Students are required to complete a three to a six-credit-hour professional internship at an approved internship site.


All three 环境健康科学 concentrations are accredited through the National Environmental Health, Science and Protection Accreditation Council (NEHSPAC). This is the only program in Oklahoma that holds this accreditation. Students in this renowned program have eligibility to participate in the US 公共卫生服务 (USPHS) sponsored JRCOSTEP internship program, as well as exclusive access to two valuable internships: the National Environmental Health Association’s (NEHA) National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP)Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Summer Program in Environmental Health (SUPEH).


