
The Mathematics program offers four concentrations which lead to a bachelor of science degree. The curriculum is flexible and can be adapted to a variety of student 
利益. After completing one of the three concentrations, program graduates typically enter the job market as applied mathematicians in business or industry, 精算实习生, or 
certified teachers of secondary school mathematics. Some program graduates pursue study in graduate school leading to advanced degrees in Mathematics, 统计数据, 电脑 
科学, 金融学或管理学, while others elect to pursue further study in a professional school such as law or medicine.
• will develop and deliver programs and services that assist you;
• will promote learning that is rigorous and meaningful for you;
• will challenge you to aspire to your highest academic, social and career goals

The 计算机科学 program offered its first degree program in 1982. 从那时起, the department has grown to more than 200 majors and a service enrollment of approximately 500 students each semester. The new 在线 computer science program only adds to those numbers. (访问 在线 for more information) Our program provides a solid education in all major areas of 计算机科学 with an emphasis on Software Engineering. 计算机科学 students generally complete a Bachelor of 科学 degree in four years. Our graduates are typically employed by large companies who need skilled software design specialists to work on the cutting edge of the field. Our 计算机科学 faculty are committed to the success of our students. We strive to insure a solid computer science education, 美好的大学经历, and a bond that will forever tie you to ECU. Our 计算机科学 faculty are also academically active in scholarship and research.

Develop a competitive edge for the technology career you want with the B.S. in 计算机科学 degree from 华东大学 Online! 点击这个链接开始吧: 认可网上B.S. 计算机科学学位(BCBS)

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Department of Math and 计算机科学 目录


Mathematics and 计算机科学 Degree Options

The 一般数学 concentration provides preparation for the student who plans to enter a graduate program in mathematics. A student taking this concentration, in consultation with his or her advisor, should choose elective courses which meet the entrance requirements of the desired graduate program.

Teacher Certification in Mathematics
The Teacher Certification concentration, in conjunction with professional education courses, prepares students for teaching mathematics at the secondary level. Majors take courses in both education, mathematics, and mathematics education. Curriculum emphasizes pedagogy, technology, diversity, and current trends in education.

The 数据科学 concentration is for students interested in applying mathematics, 统计数据, and computer science to a wide range of business problems. 有了更广泛的关注, students in this concentration will be prepared to work in a variety of industries.

应用数学/ pre-Actuary
The Applied Mathematics/Pre-Actuary concentration prepares students for entry into the job market as an applied mathematician or actuarial trainee, 从事金融工作, or for entry into a graduate program in applied mathematics, 保险精算学, 统计数据, 金融, 或者定量管理科学.

The 计算机科学 degree program prepares students for a career in the world of technology. Both 在线 and in-seat options for majors of this program. Lucrative salaries and opportunities to work on interesting and challenging projects are the rewards which await those who choose the 计算机科学 major. Technology touches essentially every aspect of life. Students have access to a powerful Linuxbased mainframe as well as the University computer network. Majors have access to both labs and 24/7 remote access. The curriculum is designed using guidelines published by the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM). Courses provide students excellent training in the scientific and technical areas of computing and the preparation necessary to pursue graduate work in this field. The course of study is mathematical in nature with emphasis on software engineering.



Department of Mathematics and 计算机科学
PMB H-1,东中央大学
艾达,OK 74820-6999

Dr. 安德鲁•威尔斯