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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Vickers, Haley

Department - Position

  • Office of the President - Chief of Staff/Board Liaison
  • Office of the President - Deputy Title IX Coordinator
580-559-5203 hvickers@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 207
Walling, Mark

Department - Position

  • Department of English and Languages - Professor
580-559-5440 mwalling@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 336 D
Walling, Bethany J.

Department - Position

  • Office of Sponsored Programs and Research - Grants Research Specialist
580-559-5948 betjbes@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 230
Wang, George

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Associate Professor
580-559-5694 gwang@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 104
Wans, Christi

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Instructor and Interim Assistant Band Director
580-559-5391 cwans@feelinfly.net Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 149 A
Ward, Amy

Department - Position

  • Department of Professional Programs and Human Services - Director of Social Work Program, Assistant Professor
580-559-5402 amyawar@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 219
Ware, Houston

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Mechanic
580-559-5380 hware@feelinfly.net Facilities Management 104
Warren, Madison

Department - Position

  • Department of Professional Programs and Human Services - Adjunct
Watson, Zac

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Application Systems Analyst
580-559-5884 zacrwat@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 129
Webb, Hope

Department - Position

  • Housing & Residence Life - Residence Director
580-559-5127 lwebb@feelinfly.net Chokka-Chaffa’ Hall
Webster, Jacintha

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Assistant Professor
  • - Pre-Law Advisor
580-559-5834 jwebster@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 239B
Weddle, Mary

Department - Position

  • Developmental Disabilities - Director
580-559-5704 markwed@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 217
Wells, Andrew

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Professor
  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Department Chair
580-559-5620 awells@feelinfly.net Science Hall 207
Wenholm, Lacey

Department - Position

  • Upward Bound Math and Science Program - Academic Advisor
580-559-5688 lacawen@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building
West, Chase

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Application Systems Analyst
580-559-5884 cwest@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 131
Westmoland, Genan

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Office Manager
580-559-5151 nangwes@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 114
Wheeler, Daniel

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Men's Basketball Coach
580-559-5567 lwheeler@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center 302