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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Adams, Larame

Department - Position

  • Police Department - Police Officer
580-559-5760 ladams@feelinfly.net Chickasaw Business & Conference Center ECU Police Department
Agong, Stephen

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Visiting Professor
580-559-5411 sagong@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 237B
Aguilar, Rafael

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Football Coach Offensive Line
raguilar@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center Office 1
Ananga, Erick

Department - Position

  • Department of Politics, Law and Society - Associate Professor
580-559-5413 eananga@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 237D
Anderson, Destini

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Head Softball Coach
580-559-5363 dfanderson@feelinfly.net Women's Athletic Facility 119
Anderson, Jay

Department - Position

  • Office of International Student Services - International Students and Programs Coordinator
janderson@feelinfly.net Administration Building
Andrews, Kenneth

Department - Position

  • College of Health and Sciences - Dean College of Health and Sciences
580-559-5496 kandrews@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 101A
Arcos, Jaime

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
580-559-5377 jarcos@feelinfly.net Physical Plant
Armstrong, Pamla

Department - Position

  • Office of Sponsored Programs and Research - Assistant
580-559-5667 parmstrong@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 224
Atkinson, Tailor

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Development Specialist
580-559-5151 tatkinson@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 114
Autrey, Donna

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Assistant Professor
580-559-5328 lautrey@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building 211 C
Baggech, Melody

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Professor of Music
580-559-5464 mbaggech@feelinfly.net Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 152
Baggerly, Cody

Department - Position

  • Office of Communications and Marketing - Communications Specialist
580-559-5974 codlbag@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 3rd floor
Bailey, Shelley

Department - Position

  • Department of Professional Programs and Human Services - Instructor
580-559-5460 rrbailey@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 318 A
Baker, Sam

Department - Position

  • Linscheid Library - Digital Services Assistant
580-559-5588 samdbak@feelinfly.net Linscheid Library Annex Annex 213
Ballard, William

Department - Position

  • Veterans Upward Bound - Academic Counselor/Instructor
580-559-5384 wballard@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building 155/151
Barry, Alex

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - HVAC Technician Apprentice
580-559-5377 abarry@feelinfly.net Physical Plant
Barton, Brayden

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Carpenter
580-559-5378 brakbar1@feelinfly.net Facilities Management
Bay, Michael D.

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Professor
580-559-5497 mbay@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 158
Bean, Christopher

Department - Position

  • Department of History - Professor and Chair
580-559-5418 cbean@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 238B