All scholarships require full-time attendance (12 hours for undergraduate; 6 hours for graduate) unless indicated otherwise.
All scholarships are for fall and/or spring semester only (summer not included) unless indicated otherwise.
所有的获奖者都是由部门推荐的, 由ECU基金奖学金委员会最终批准.
Any exceptions must be approved by the department chair and the Foundation Scholarship Committee.

弗兰克·P. 贝克环境卫生奖学金
This scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding graduate or undergraduate student in 环境健康科学 or related degree program. 受助人的平均成绩必须保持在3分.0或以上学历,在ECU就读全日制学生. 获奖者每年将由罗伯特·S. 克尔主席或其指定人员.

该奖学金将根据需要颁发,至少有2个名额.5平均绩点. Originally established as part of the Federal Student Loan Program, 该奖学金于1995年转入ECU基金会.

DR. 威廉一个. 卡特科学基金
This fund will be allocated at the discretion of the Dean of the College of Health & 科学. Funds are to be used for field trips, materials for research, travel for presentations, etc. 优先考虑团体郊游和/或项目.  Individual recipients receiving support must have a declared major of 生物学, 化学, 环境健康科学, 或物理有资格报销费用.   Students and/or faculty members will be reimbursed for expenses after providing qualifying documentation to the ECU Foundation through the College of Health & 科学. 

This scholarship will be available to all students in the College of 健康与科学, with priority given to students pursuing a master’s degree in a discipline housed in the College of 健康与科学 at the time of the award. 收件人必须保持至少3.平均绩点25分,大三或以上. 获得这项奖学金, applicants must provide a plan for a community service project (preferably a project that benefits the Ada community) that will be completed during their junior year, 这是由一位指导教师验证的. Preference will be given to students providing evidence of community service during their freshman/sophomore year(s). For the scholarship to be renewed during the students’ senior year, they must complete a community service project in collaboration with mentoring a faculty member during their junior year or the student must have presented the activities and results of one of their previous community service projects at a state, 区域, 国家, or inter国家 conference during their junior year and provide an acceptable update for the current service project.

This scholarship will be awarded at the discretion of the department. 

This scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior student pursuing a G.I.S. certificate within the Environmental Science Department who best exemplifies the discipline inside and outside of the classroom. 这项奖学金是在刘先生去世后设立的. 1989年,格里芬被他的父母收养. 和夫人. 马库斯·格里芬博士和. T.A. 凯利,他是系里的讲师.

This scholarship will be awarded to an Environmental Science major who is at least a sophomore and has maintained a minimum 3.0的绩点.  Dorothy Higginbotham was an ECU alumna who understood and recognized the value of higher education and established this scholarship as part of her estate planning.

This scholarship will be awarded at the discretion of the department.

弗雷德和玛丽普费弗奖学金 (生物学, 计算机科学, Environmental Science, 护理, 化学)
This scholarship will be awarded to one student in each of the listed categories, 要求最少3个.25日平均绩点, and will be awarded for up to eight consecutive semesters as long as all scholarship requirements are met. The Pfeffer’s are long-time residents of Ada and have shown tremendous generosity in assisting ECU students.

This scholarship will be available to all students in the College of 健康与科学, with priority given to students pursuing a master’s degree in a discipline housed in the College of 健康与科学 at the time of the award. 收件人必须保持至少3.平均绩点5分,并被划分为大三或以上. 获得这项奖学金, applicants must provide a plan for a research project that will be completed during their junior year 这是由一位指导教师验证的. Preference will be given to students providing evidence of research with mentoring faculty during their freshman/sophomore year(s). For the scholarship to be renewed during the students’ senior year, they must complete a research project in collaboration with mentoring a faculty member during their junior year or the student must have presented previous research at a  state, 区域, 国家, or inter国家 conference during their junior year and provide an acceptable update for the current research project.

This scholarship will be awarded to an 环境健康科学 major who has maintained a minimum 2.5平均绩点. This scholarship was generously provided by the 科学 and Natural Resources Foundation of Oklahoma (SNRF) with the mission to encourage scientific research into uses of all natural resources.

This scholarship will be awarded to a junior or senior pursing a G.I.S. 环境科学系的证书. Dr. Sims was a long-time faculty member at ECU and this scholarship was established in his memory by family, 朋友, 和他的同事们.

沃森家庭科学奖学金 (生物、化学、环境科学、物理)
This scholarship will be awarded to students with a declared major of 生物学, 化学, 环境科学, 或物理.  不优先考虑该顺序.  Funds can be used to defray the cost for research presentations at state and 国家 professional conferences - first preference.  Funds can also be used for scholarships for students with the declared majors above that have leadership skills and are involved in research - second preference.  This scholarship was established by the Watson-Maile family to honor excellence in research and learning.