

Master of Education
Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.50 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
  2. Have a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the sixty (60) hours of coursework; or
  3. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.至少九(9)小时的研究生课程.

Master of Science in Accounting
Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum GPA of 3.25 on all undergraduate coursework to date with no work experience; or
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all undergraduate work with five (5) years work experience; or
  3. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on at least nine (9) hours

Master of Management
Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在最后六十(60)个小时的课程中获得25分; or
  3. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.至少九(9)小时的研究生课程.

Master of Science in Human Resources
Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在最后六十(60)小时的课程作业中.

Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在最后六十(60)小时的课程作业中.

Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.到目前为止,所有本科课程的成绩都是00分,累积GPA最低为3分.在最后六十(60)小时的课程作业中,或者
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.至少九(9)小时的研究生课程; or
  3. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.心理学或相关领域的所有本科或研究生工作成绩为00(至少十八(18)小时).

Meet one of the following:

  1. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 on all undergraduate coursework to date; or
  2. Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.在最后六十(60)个小时的课程中获得25分.

Refer to the Graduate Catalog for more information. (pdf)


入学申请确实需要时间来处理. 如果你认为申请已经有足够的时间来处理, 你可以拨打580联系研究生院.559.5708.

At any time, 您可以登录您的MyECU门户网站,并在admission选项卡上查看您的入学状态, by clicking on View Admissions Status. 你会发现它在屏幕的右手边. 确保你有你的学生证号码,因为你将在下一个屏幕上需要它. You will enter your ID # and hit GO. 如果你没有下拉框,你需要联系研究生院, 但是如果你有下拉框,你可以选择你申请的学位课程,它会给你状态.


研究生院的入学不需要GRE成绩, 但是MSA可能会在他们的课程要求中要求它. However, 所有院系都要求在课程的第一学期提交个人陈述/论文. 未能在截止日期前完成个人陈述/论文将导致您的帐户被搁置. 具体信息请联系研究生院.


被研究生院录取的学生在10月1日之前提交了所有必需的研究生学位课程文件,以便春季入学, 夏季和秋季入学时间为3月1日, 会分别不迟于11月1日及4月1日获通知入学情况.

在10月1日和3月1日截止日期之后提交文件的学生将按照先到先到的原则处理他们的申请, first-served basis.

NOTE: 所有学生必须在开学的第一学期内被录取. 您的所有课程文件必须提交并由课程批准入学.


缺乏少于正常学习负荷的高年级学生,并且已经完成了至少一百(100)个学分,可以被允许参加适用于研究生学位课程的课程, 受以下学习负荷规定的限制:

Fall and Spring Semesters

  1. A maximum of nine (9) undergraduate and six (6) graduate credit hours; or
  2. 最多十二(12)个本科学分和三(3)个研究生学分.

Summer Semester

  1. A maximum of three (3) undergraduate and three (3) graduate credit hours; or
  2. 最多六(6)个研究生学分.

Note: 一个学期不超过六(6)个学时,或者一个夏季学期不超过三(3)个学时,可以申请研究生学位.


      9 hrs is full-time
      5-8 hrs is required for financial aid
      13 16小时-研究生院长批准
      绝对最多16小时(需要教务处批准). See Academic Affairs for the form.)

      5 hrs is required for financial aid
      3 hrs is half-time
      绝对最多15小时(需要教务处批准). See Academic Affairs for the form.)


Students, 请注意,您选择参加的课程必须是学位课程的必修课或选修课. 经济援助规定规定,任何研究生谁是寻求经济援助必须在秋季注册至少五(5)个学分, spring, 或夏季学期,课程必须在学位课程.



The office fax number is 580.559.5159.