心理服务理学硕士学位旨在培养能够担任持牌专业咨询师的专业人员, 持牌行为执业医师, Sport Psychologists or psychological assistants in such settings as mental health centers, 指导中心, 精神病院, 酒精和毒品治疗中心, 惩教机构, 运动员个人及团体, and as an independent practitioner as defined by the licensure or certification board(s) of his or her chosen program of study. 这些专业人士的作用是帮助人们更充分地开发他们的创造性生产力和情感满足的潜力. The following general objectives are intended to prepare students to fill this role:

  1. 为学生提供机会,让他们了解提供心理服务的一般原则;

  2. To prepare students to understand research methodology and to use research reports and psychological literature;

  3. To prepare students to provide the psychological services of counseling, consulting, and evaluating.

Students in this program are expected to have or to acquire in the early phases of training knowledge of general psychology, 统计方法, a psychology of learning and its application to behavior modification, 人格心理学, 变态心理学, 心理评估. 心理服务的理论和研究课程建立在这一背景之上,以培养研究和使用心理学文献的能力. 个人心理测试课程, and individual psychological evaluation help students to acquire the skills to evaluate people. Courses in behavior change and clinical psychology help students to provide counseling services to people. A course in community consultation helps students to provide consultation in their work setting and community.

小班授课和与教师和学生互动的充足机会为学生提供了一个极好的机会来发展在他们的职业中发挥作用所必需的技能. 研究生助教奖学金和研究生研究助教奖学金提供经济援助以及不同寻常的学习机会.

LPC附加课程-仅限医学院咨询 (pdf)

MSPS建议轮转 (pdf)

MSPS奖学金表格 (pdf)

Admission to the Master of Science in Psychological Services Degree

Unconditional admission may be granted to applicants who meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution.
  2. 符合下列条件之一:
    • 累积平均成绩不低于3分.00 on all undergraduate or graduate work in psychology or related field (minimum of eighteen (18) hours); or
    • Have a minimum percentile score of 40% on the verbal, quantitative, or analytical section of the GRE.
    • 累积平均成绩不低于3分.00 on all undergraduate coursework to date, have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 in the last sixty (60) hours of coursework, or have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.至少九(9)小时的研究生课程;
  3. Have submitted acceptable program application documents (references, resume, essay questions, etc.).

如果申请人的GPA达到了无条件录取的要求,但没有提交所有其他必要的文件和/或完成GRE(如果需要),则可以有条件录取。. 的文档, 学生必须在第二学期入学前完成GRE考试(如果需要的话).

不符合GPA或GRE无条件录取要求的申请人可能会被计划考虑临时录取. Students must submit all program documents before admission to the university. No more than nine (9) hours of graduate credit earned while on provisional admission status will count toward a degree. 获得无条件地位, the student must complete a minimum of nine (9) hours approved graduate work with a minimum GPA of 3.所有课程的成绩都是100分, 符合所有其他入学标准, 并满足项目规定的所有条件.

一个高年级学生谁缺乏少于完全正常的学习负荷,谁已经完成了至少一百(100)个学分, 并达到GPA要求, 可以被允许注册研究生课程吗, subject to the study load provisions and semester hour provisions of the 研究生院.


  1. Complete an 华东大学 Application for Admission/Readmission.
  2. 提交心理学系录取表格
    • Provide transcripts of all work completed (baccalaureate and graduate).
    • 提供学术和专业信息.
    • Provide a name, mailing address, and e-mail of two (2) references.
    • 提供对写作考试的回应.
  3. 如果可以的话,参加GRE考试.

获得心理服务理学硕士学位的课程要求在获得学士学位之前完成至少60个小时的适用工作. (Courses which may apply to the master’s degree program are those 5000 level courses.)

每个学生在进入课程后将被分配一名研究生指导老师,并将与指导老师密切合作. A student will need to work with his or her advisor in meeting basic professional goals. This MSPS degree qualifies an individual to work in applied areas of psychology under supervision. 在课程结束时, students will have met the academic requirements for certification as a Licensed Professional Counselor, 持牌行为医生, 或应用运动心理学家.

No thesis is required in the Master of Science in Psychological Services program at 华东大学. 然而, one may be submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree, 六(6)学时学分, provided approval is given by the Graduate Committee of the Psychology Department, 教育与心理学院院长, and the Dean of the 研究生院 (see the course PSYCH 5691-6). 心理服务理学硕士课程的论文写作指南可以从研究生院院长或教育与心理研究生课程学院协调员处获得.

注意: Students who plan to apply for Licensed Professional Counselor 不应该选择 the thesis option as the State Board of Behavioral Health Licensure will not accept thesis hours as approved coursework.

No transfer work will be accepted since the program has been pre-approved by the LPC Board. 如果学生选择了另一条职业道路,学生可以与项目协调员会面,讨论他或她的长期职业目标,以及这一行动是否是实现这些职业目标的可行选择.

The grades of A, B, C, D, P, F, N, W, AW, WF and I may be assigned to graduate students. The grade mark “P” indicates pass without an exact grade; the grade mark “W” indicates withdrawn; the grade mark “AW” indicates administrative withdrawal; the temporary grade mark “N” indicates the semester grade was not submitted by the instructor by the appropriate deadline. Grade marks have grade point values per semester hour as follows: A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1, F-0, and WF-0. Grade marks of “P” and “W” are disregarded with respect to grade points and hours attempted in computing grade average.

一个不完整的分数(“I”)可以在教师的自由裁量权下使用,表明需要额外的工作来完成课程. 它不能代替不及格, and no student may be failing a course at the time an “I” grade is awarded. 得到“I”的成绩, the student should have satisfactorily completed a substantial portion of the required coursework for the semester. “I”成绩必须在指定“I”的学期结束后的一(1)年内由教师更改,否则该成绩将保持为永久的“I”,并且不计入学生的GPA. (“I” grades in PSYCH 5691-6 Master’s 论文 are exempt from this regulation.)

只有成绩为“C”或以上的课程才可以计算在硕士学位要求的至少六十(60)个学期的研究生学习中, and the grade average for all courses taken on the degree program and all prerequisites must be “B” (3.00)或以上. No more than six (6) semester hours of “C” grade may be counted. Credit with grades of “D” will not satisfy degree requirements.

A student may repeat a course if approved by the advisor. Only the last grade is counted with reference to graduation requirements. 重修课程不允许获得额外学分.

学生将花费最少的时间接受合格导师的直接指导,并根据其实习或实习的要求直接与客户接触。. 学生必须在实习开始的学期前至少五(5)周填写实习申请表.

学生的导师和实习/实习导师将决定每次实习的监督类型和适当性. 学生将花费最少的时间接受合格导师的直接指导,并根据其实习或实习的要求直接与客户接触。.


  1. 美国心理学会
  2. 美国心理咨询协会
  3. 全国咨询师认证委员会
  4. 心理科学协会
  5. 俄克拉荷马州行为健康委员会

As well as the professional organization for his or her specific program of study:

     6.  全国学校心理学家协会
     7.  应用运动心理学协会

学生的任何行为可能与上述文件中的标准相冲突,将由由指导老师组成的心理学系委员会进行审查, 由主席任命的心理学教员, 以及由学生选择的教员. The committee will have the authority to take any of the following actions: exonerate the student; notify the student and plan appropriate ameliorative action; notify appropriate boards and law enforcement agencies; or dismiss the student from the program.


学生请注意,您选择的课程必须是学位课程的必修课或选修课. 经济援助规定规定,任何研究生谁是寻求经济援助必须在秋季注册至少五(5)个学分, 春天, or summer semester and the courses MUST be in the degree program.

*Certificate Programs do not qualify for financial aid.