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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Haworth, Rhonda

Department - Position

  • Early Settlement Mediation - Intake Worker
918-429-0386 Rhonda.Haworth@oscn.net
Hayes, Robert

Department - Position

  • University Center - Facilities Coordinator/Motor Pool Director
580-559-5741 rhayes@feelinfly.net Bill S. Cole University Center Information Desk
Hays, Amy

Department - Position

  • Oka' Institute Public Service - Assistant Director of Development & Outreach
580-559-5150 ahays@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 115
Heck, Ashlee

Department - Position

  • Office of Recruitment - Director of Admissions & Recruitment
  • Office of Admissions - Director of Admissions & Recruitment
580-559-5625 aheck@feelinfly.net Sterling L. Williams Center 104
Henderson, John "Howard"

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Information Technology Director
580-559-5298 hhenderson@feelinfly.net Danley Hall Office 127
Hendrix, Aretavious

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Football Coach - Defensive Backs
ahendrix@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center
Hicks, Patrick W.

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - School Certifying Official
  • Office of Records - Assistant Registrar/ Veterans Affairs Coordinator
580-559-5162 phicks@feelinfly.net Administration Building 111
Hilburn, Bridget

Department - Position

  • McNair Scholars Program - Academic Coordinator
580-559-5295 bhilburn@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 339
Hill, Katie

Department - Position

  • Upward Bound - Assistant Director
580-559-5678 kmhill@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 326
Hite, Dwight

Department - Position

  • Business Administration - Associate Professor
  • Business Administration - Master in Management Program Director- Gene A. Nelson Endowed Chair
580-559-5194 dhite@feelinfly.net Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 345
Hodgins, Kaitlyn

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach
kaishod@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center 311
Hooser, Mya

Department - Position

  • Housing & Residence Life - Housing Coordinator
580-559-5896 myahoo@feelinfly.net Administration Building 102
Houston, Jeremy

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Transfer Credit Specialist
580-559-5238 jerwhou@feelinfly.net Administration Building 111
Howard, Alisha

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Associate Professor, Chair
580-559-5792 ahoward@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 164
Howard, Eric

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Instructor
580-559-5614 ehoward@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 254
Hussain, Shahid

Department - Position

  • Department of Accounting - Assistant Professor
Hutchins, Micheal

Department - Position

  • Landscape & Grounds Maintenance - Groundskeeper
Physical Plant