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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Cushman, Dewayne

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Network Administrator
580-559-5884 dewecus@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 126
Daniel, Kenda

Department - Position

  • Administration and Finance - Administrative Assistant to VP Admin & Finance
580-559-5539 kdaniel@feelinfly.net Administration Building 163
Dare, Alexander

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Custodian
adare@feelinfly.net Facilities Management
Davis, Khalena

Department - Position

  • Educational Opportunity Center - Academic Counselor
580-559-5684 khaddav@feelinfly.net Memorial Student Union
Davis, Jamie

Department - Position

  • Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center - Technical Director and Events Coordinator (HBFFAC)
580-559-5214 jamdav@feelinfly.net Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center
Deela, Amber

Department - Position

  • Upward Bound - Project Coordinator
580-559-5923 ambrdee@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 319
Deighan, Thomas

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Assistant Professor & Director of Educational Leadership
580-559-5799 tdeighan@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building 215-H
Diaz, Catarina

Department - Position

  • Office of Recruitment - Recruiter
580-559-5628 catadia@feelinfly.net Sterling L. Williams Center 100
Dilday, Megan

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Instructor and Clinical Coordinator
580-559-5881 megldil@feelinfly.net Science Hall 300 A
Dildine, Katherine

Department - Position

  • Educational Opportunity Center - Academic Counselor
580-559-5687 kdildine@feelinfly.net Memorial Student Union
Dildine, Coty

Department - Position

  • Veterans Upward Bound - Program Coordinator
Veterans & Military Resource Center (808 E Main), Suite B
Dotson, Yul

Department - Position

  • McNair Scholars Program - Adjunct, Freshman Seminar Director
580-559-5716 ydotson@feelinfly.net Fentem Hall 338
Dougherty, Joe

Department - Position

  • Harland C. Stonecipher School of Business - Accounting Instructor and Chair of Accounting
580-559-5268 jdougherty@feelinfly.net Chickasaw Business & Conference Center 341
Drake, Judd

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Athletic Trainer
580-559-5315 judadra@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center 120
Draper, Carrie

Department - Position

  • Department of Psychology - Instructor in Psychology
580-559-5577 carldra@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building 211 A
Dudley, Leah

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Assistant Professor
580-559-5495 ldudley@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 152
Duncan, Andrew

Department - Position

  • Biological and Environmental Sciences - Instructor
580-559-5549 andldun@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 102
Duncan, Grant

Department - Position

  • Athletics - Assistant Coach Men's & Women's Cross Country & Track & Field
580-559-5998 graldun@feelinfly.net Kerr Activities Center 221
Duncan, Darcy

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Assistant Professor
  • School of Nursing - Director
580-559-5427 darndun@feelinfly.net Science Hall 318-B