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Last Name Department - Position Phone Email Building Office
Lupinski, Rudy

Department - Position

  • Department of Performing Arts - Staff Accompanist
580-559-5591 rlupinsk@feelinfly.net Hallie Brown Ford Fine Arts Center 113
Lynam, Matthew

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Associate Professor
580-559-5285 mlynam@feelinfly.net Science Hall 205 D
Lynch, Kevin

Department - Position

  • Department of Education - Instructor
580-559-5169 klynch@feelinfly.net Lanoy Education Building 203C
Lyon, Leah

Department - Position

  • Office of Sponsored Programs and Research - Director
580-559-5259 llyon@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 228
Maples, Randall

Department - Position

  • Department of Physical Sciences - Chair
580-559-5417 rmaples@feelinfly.net Physical and Environmental Science Center 244
Martin, Elwyn

Department - Position

  • Office of Records - Registrar
580-559-5236 ewmartin@feelinfly.net Administration Building 111
Mason, Taylen

Department - Position

  • Police Department - Police Officer
580-559-5316 taynmas@feelinfly.net
Massey, Justin

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Director of Physical Plant
580-559-5582 djmassey@feelinfly.net Physical Plant
Masterson, James

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Groundskeeper
580-559-5383 jmasterson@feelinfly.net Facilities Management
Matlock, Ben

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Application Systems Analyst
580-559-5884 bmatlock@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 131
Matlock, Haley

Department - Position

  • Academic Success Center - Director
  • Business Administration - Adjunct Professor
580-559-5697 hmatlock@feelinfly.net Administration Building 262
McBride, Steve

Department - Position

  • Information Technology - Programmer Analyst
580-559-5884 smcbride@feelinfly.net Danley Hall 129
McCabe, Cassidy

Department - Position

  • Student Counseling Center - Clinical Counselor
580-559-5714 casnmcc@feelinfly.net Memorial Student Union 137B
McCain, Penny

Department - Position

  • Office of Admissions - Assistant Director of Admissions and Recruitment
580-559-5385 pmccain@feelinfly.net Sterling L. Williams Center 203
McCallum, Ashley

Department - Position

  • School of Nursing - Instructor
580-559-5438 amccallm@feelinfly.net Science Hall 318-A
McCane, Trevor

Department - Position

  • Brandon Whitten Institute - ECU Campus Suicide Prevention Grant Coordinator
580-559-5161 trelmcc2@feelinfly.net Horace Mann 109
McCarty, Jillian Bailey

Department - Position

  • Department of Kinesiology - Instructor
580-559-5836 jmccarty@feelinfly.net Kinesiology 116
McCaskill, Todd

Department - Position

  • Facilities Management - Journeyman Plumber
580-559-5378 tmccaskll@feelinfly.net Physical Plant 104
McClain, Nancy

Department - Position

  • Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - Instructor
580-559-5626 nmcclain@feelinfly.net Science Hall 216B